Monday, August 18, 2008

Keith Olbermann Special Comment - Grow Up John McCain!

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  1. I am a 57 year old white woman from Texas, a former Hilary supporter and I am 100% in support of this special comment. Mccain has always attacked women on his campaign trail. first it was the woman who said BUSH=Mccain, 2nd was the woman who wanted to know Mccain's position on Birth control legislation etc... This has to stop else will will revolt against Mccain. Mccain needs to really grow up
    He is arrogant, he is a liar, a Cheat, and a racist. America is changing and some of us are becoming allergic to racism and divisive politics. I think Obama has been very nice toward Mccain, thats why I have changed my mind to vote for Obama

  2. Mcmacab, thank you for a very kind and moving comment. I agree with you. McCain besides many flip-flops and senior moments is also a trigger-happy person. In this volatile world we do not need a leader who is sitting on the world most deadly arsenal of destruction.

    It is a wise move to vote for Obama as he comes across as a more balanced person and kind-hearted person.

  3. I guess I'll add to the mix here. I'm a 25-year old, twice deployed Iraq war military veteran. Like McCain, I honorable served my time in the military. But his actions, like many of his words, have been a disgrace to many people.

    I was astonished and thrilled to see Olbermann run the most potent fact-check I've ever seen about his voting record concerning vets. I have been waiting for months to see someone finally lay it out like Olbermann did last night--no watered-down, buttered-up, beating-'round-the-Bush nonsense (like the pun?).

    I will be voting for Obama this election year. The right-leaning jackals like Rush Limbaugh should take note of reasons like this, too: vets like myself aren't voting for Obama because of some silly little "fascination" with Obama. Those that will be casting their votes for him are because, contrary to the scathing messages behind neoconservative naysayers, Obama has a record, and has shown good judgement.

    Laying McCain's shoddy record for acting/voting to support vets on countless issues, Barack's record has been fairly solid.

    In my opinion, the most powerful way to support our nation's troops will be to vote 'come November. If McCain takes office, I, as veteran, will be royally screwed--along with the rest of those actively serving out in harm's way.

  4. Roco, thank you for the great comment. It is always good to hear from a vet. Vets know the best that sable rattling and starting wars is not a good idea. McCain loves to do the sable rattling despite his war experience.

    He also did not vote for a bill which gives vets more services and education opportunities, McCain saying that it will make people to leave service early. Now a vet like him should know better but he does not. May be McCain being privileged when he was in Vietnam as his father was an Admiral he does not understand the needs of ordinary soldiers.

    Obama is not a vet but he does understand the horror of wars and believes in negotiations and diplomacy over wars. It is hoped that he will re-instate the reputation of US, as a great democracy, in the world.

    Thank you again for your comment and I wish all the best.
